Patti's Story

Patti's Story Part 7

Water And More Water      There are a myriad of considerations with this type of icy/watery travel. I'm wearing, alternately, ski boots and rubber boots sometimes with plastic bags...

Patti's Story Part 7

Water And More Water      There are a myriad of considerations with this type of icy/watery travel. I'm wearing, alternately, ski boots and rubber boots sometimes with plastic bags...

Patti's Story Part 8

The Big Lead      Big lead #1 moving gearWe had been traveling for about 12 days when we ran into the wide open lead pictured here. I estimated it...

Patti's Story Part 8

The Big Lead      Big lead #1 moving gearWe had been traveling for about 12 days when we ran into the wide open lead pictured here. I estimated it...

Patti's Story Part 9

Weathering The Storm      On July 1st, we had miraculously crossed the big lead!  Shortly after we removed the ice screws that had secured it, it floated away.  It...

Patti's Story Part 9

Weathering The Storm      On July 1st, we had miraculously crossed the big lead!  Shortly after we removed the ice screws that had secured it, it floated away.  It...

Patti's Story Part 10

Arriving Tanquary Fjord Camp on the 4th of July      Good morning! Our next move was to prepare to walk the rest of the way to Tanquary Camp. In...

Patti's Story Part 10

Arriving Tanquary Fjord Camp on the 4th of July      Good morning! Our next move was to prepare to walk the rest of the way to Tanquary Camp. In...

Patti's Story Part 11

Scientists and Quonset Huts Tanquary Camp is a Facility/ Camp. Back in 1982 it had one permanent quonset hut shaped metal Butler building. We didn’t measure the Butler but as...

Patti's Story Part 11

Scientists and Quonset Huts Tanquary Camp is a Facility/ Camp. Back in 1982 it had one permanent quonset hut shaped metal Butler building. We didn’t measure the Butler but as...

Patti's Story Part 12

Packing 300 Miles Begins      We spent 9 days at Tanquary Camp during which we hiked the surrounding mountains at night. The dogs needed time for their paws to...

Patti's Story Part 12

Packing 300 Miles Begins      We spent 9 days at Tanquary Camp during which we hiked the surrounding mountains at night. The dogs needed time for their paws to...